In 2022, we had two simultaneous leak incidents due to bolt failure.
After receiving emergency funding through the State, we have replaced corroded valve bolts!
Through State and Federal Programs, we received funding to upgrade waterlines!
A PRV vault reduces or relieves pressure built up in the water distribution system.
Water pressure varies around the District and can be dependent on location and elevation.
High pressure is undesirable because it can cause excess wear and damage on waterlines. High pressure water can also damage in home plumbing fixtures.
So, PRVs help regulate the flow of water through the distribution system and into your home.
In 2025, we replaced the PRVs located on Seabrook Ln and Wakonda Beach Rd.
In 2021, the Bipartisan Infrasture Law (BIL) was passed. It provides a 5-year opportunity of enhanced funding through the Safe Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund (SDWRLF) to address various drinking water infrastructure needs.
Water Infrastructure improvements are included in the Priority 1 projects of our 2019 Master Plan. We had a Preliminary Engineering Report done in 2022. The report specifies various pipeline segments for replacement. Using the information in the PER, we applied for funding.
In Spring of 2023, we were invited to present our project to the Infrastructure Finance Authority (IFA). We are thrilled to announce our application was accepted!
There are eight locations prioritized for upgrade. At these locations, the waterlines are inadequate, vulnerable to seismic events or made of hazardous materials and generally beyond their typical life cycle.
Replacing the waterlines would reduce the possibility of water service interruptions due to breaks in old lines and would also remove the danger that can come with maintaining and operating infrastructure constructed of hazardous materials.
Project includes, but is not limited to, final design and replacement of approximately 9,500 – 15,000 feet of waterlines located on 7-8 streets, as identified in the August 2022, Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) prepared by Civil West Engineering. Two Projects were not identified in the PER but were added to the project scope due to unexpected and dramatic pipe ruptures that occurred in August 2023.
Winter 2024: Field Survey and Engineering Design Commences
Spring 2025 – Fall 2025: Engineering, Design, and Review
Winter 2025 – Spring 2026: Biding and Construction Contracts
Summer 2026: Construction