Office Phone:
(541) 547-3315
Emergency After Hours:
(541) 819-4193
To register, you will need your account number and your phone number.
The phone number must match the number we have on file.
Enter your phone number as a single 10-digit number. For example: 5415473315
Once registered, you can save a payment method or set up autopay with card or bank account.
If you have one account with multiple services: When you register, enter your account number and the system will automatically recognize those services during the account verification.
If you have multiple account numbers: After you register your account, you can link the services using the "Manage Accounts" button the right-hand side.
Register for our new and improved customer portal using the button below!
Or save the link to make one-time payments by using the "Quick Pay" option.
Over the last few years, we have made big investments into the water system! We are happy to share the improvements we've made and those we are still planning.
Capital Improvement Plans (CIPs) are projects that permanently add to the District's assets. These are most often construction or improvement projects.
PUD Board of Directors meet at 10 AM on the third Tuesday of every month
Water District Board of Commissioners meet the third Tuesday in March, June, September and December.
Meetings are held at the District Office, unless otherwise stated, and are open to the public.
If you would like to attend a meeting remotely, please contact our office.
We would appreciate remote access requests at least 2 days prior to the meeting.
The next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday February 25, 2024 at 10am
Please click the link below to view the agenda.
If the section is blank, the Agenda is not yet available.
Southwest Lincoln County Water People's Utility District
PO BOX 368, Waldport OR 97394
7740 Highway 101 N, Yachats, Oregon 97498
Open today | 08:00 am – 04:00 pm |
Frequently closed 12 -1pm for lunch
Closed on Federal Holidays